4 February 2012

Monday to Friday Man

Hello from very cold and kinda snowy Bath,
Today I travelled back from Canterbury across to Bath so I've seen most of the south of England looking like it's been sprinkled with icing sugar. Very pretty view from a train window!

While the weather has been so cold I've spent a lot of time snuggled up reading on my kindle. The latest book I've finished reading is "Monday to Friday Man" by Alice Peterson, another lighthearted chick lit. Now recently I've been mainly reading Marian Keyes books which have all got a pretty heavy plot line along side the usual love story, so "Monday to Friday Man" proved to be a breath of fresh air. The characters were very gentle and likable and although the heroine Gilly has a sad background, the way that the book is written doesn't make this the main focus of the plot, keeping the book light and upbeat. The authors fun style of writing also works wonders for making light of all situations.

Gilly is a single girl living alone in London after her fiance abandons her two weeks before her wedding. Deciding that she isn't ready to leave London and start afresh she advertises for a monday to friday man to share her house during the week. Jack Baker is a charming, attractive man so when he responds to Gilly's advert, she cannot resist offering him the room despite the worry from her little gang of dog walking friends. Oh yes, did I mention that she has a little dog named Ruskin? The thing that Gilly wants to know, however, is what Jack Baker does at the weekend.

If you're looking for a sweet, uplifting love story with the obligatory chick lit happy ending then you should give this book a go, its easy to read, has lots of likable characters and is the perfect read for a cold winter night  :)

What are you reading at the moment? I've moved on to "A Winter's Tale" by Trisha Ashley and so far it seems good to me.
Annie x


  1. A winters tale is on my list of books to read, i too did a blog on monday to friday man,what a great read!

    1. Oh wow, sounds like we have a pretty similar taste in books then. Im really enjoying A Winter's Tale, I read The Twelve Days of Christmas by the same author a few weeks ago and its fab too :)xx
