6 May 2012

A Few Favourites- My Photography

Firstly I'd like to say hi and thank you to my new followers, I'm so happy that you like my blog enough to keep coming back :)
I've realised today that despite my huge love of photography, I've never really shared any of my work on here. I took photography as an A level and loved every minute of it. I especially love portrait photography, and fashion and editorial portraits at that.
I really enjoy spending hours applying make-up and finding the perfect place to take photos and I'm lucky enough to have a willing model in the form of Kassi who is one of my best friends.
Anyways, here are a few of my favourite photos, let me know what you think.

I love all four of these photos for various reasons, especially the last one. We had great fun playing around with the henna :)

My next big photography project will be at the iFabbo Bloggers Conference where I will be taking the official photos. I can't wait! Come and see me there.
What do you think? Should I post my photos more often? Would that be something you would be interested in seeing more often?
Annie x