15 April 2014

Fresh Beginnings. Lately I've been...

You may have noticed that things have been rather quiet around here lately. This has been due to lots of big and exciting changes in my life over the last couple of months and I've found myself with a lot less free time to spend.
At the beginning of April I started a full time administration office job which I am really enjoying but when combined with drama rehearsals in the evening, every day bits and bobs and having been spending weekends in some lovely company away from home it has effected my blogging schedule something awful!
I do however have some great posts lined up now and using my shiny new Galaxy tablet, I will be able to get them up in lunch breaks, on the train or anywhere else I happen to be which I fine rather exciting!
So, what have I been up to?
Well, as I said, I have started a new job working as an office administrator in the centre of Bath for a great company. So far I have been really enjoying it and while being a massive change, I feel like I've been there ages already :)
I have also spent a couple of sunny weekends at the seaside! Think long walks on the beach, cocktails, sea life, great company and rock climbing.  Bliss!

Finally, I have spent lots of time with all the people who mean a lot to me. This has included lots of visits to places like Wagamama for overly delicious food. Any excuse eh ;)

So that's a little snapshot of what I have been up to lately, and I promise it won't be weeks before my next post like it was this time!
What have you been up to?
Annie xx


  1. Glad to see you back Annie :)


    x x x

  2. Sounds like everything has been working out great. I hope they continue to do so. Been loving reading your blog as well! Casey // Atopsyturvyblog.blogspot.com
