But I'm not going to say anything like "I'm such a bad blogger" or "Sorry for being pants" because stepping way was a conscious decision.
I found that I had got to a place where blogging was becoming more of a stress in my life than a pleasure. I was trying to juggle working full time, doing a college course, drama rehearsals twice a week and also maintain a social life. Yet all the while, even if I managed to achieve all of these things, I found that if I flopped into bed having not written a post, or taken photographs of my make-up, or of my latest skincare routine etcetera I felt guilty about it. And I didn't want that.
To me, blogging has always been a hobby. I love to write and I love all things beauty. So for me, using writing to share that love for beauty products is a way to relax and enjoy a passion that my friends just aren't really interested in (I have a lot of male friends!).
It's great that blogging has opened so many doors to me, and given me the chance to try new things, meet amazing people and attend brilliant events, but when it came to the point where it felt like writing about eye shadow and lipstick was causing more stress than it was relieving, I just felt like I needed a break.
So what have I been up to?
Well, I am still juggling all of the mentioned above, but I am really enjoying it.
I recently started a new job working at the City of Bath College for the Adult Community Learning department where I help to provide a wide range of courses for adults in the community who may have never got the chance to achieve what they would have liked, want to learn new skills that will help to develop themselves, or due to certain circumstances slipped out of employment and haven't been able to find their way back. I am really enjoying it, and seeing what we do, and what we help people to achieve is really satisfying.

In short, I am happy, and back in a place where I want to blog again. But not because I feel like I have to. I am not going to try and promise myself that I will post daily, or about anything that I don't think "Oh my goodness, I need to share this!" because that is never what my blog was meant to be. I am working on a post to go live later today that features the product that got me thinking "wow, I need to blog this" several nights ago and made me see I am ready to come back so look out for that :)
Right, ramble over!
Annie xx
I lost my mojo for my blog too. I've had a busy year like yourself and instead of enjoying writing my blog, it became a chore. So, again, like you, I stepped back. I did skeleton posts but nothing that made me have to sit and write and concentrate. I think we got what can be called as simply "writers block" for bloggers!! I've spoke to a lot of people and we're not alone in this feeling. I think most bloggers must get it at sometime....
ReplyDeleteI did my first real post the other day- I enjoyed it again. I'm not over doing it as I don't want to jump in feet first and lose the mojo I'm clawing back but it's something that has to be done!
Hope your love and mojo has come back to blogging and look forward to seeing your posts :)
That's the thing, it wasn't even writers block, I just got that I didn't want to spend my time writing for any reason other than wanting to. Blogging had turned into a chore and I didn't want that so I took a break :) xx