1 April 2012

The Big Sample Survival Experiment

Isn't it lovely out? Another fab sunny day without the crazy heat we had a couple of days last week.

Now, call me mad, but this month I have decided to take a slightly different approach to my beauty regime and try out all of the lovely samples that have been gathering dust in the cupboard since goodness knows when. The other day I cleared through the bathroom and found literally hundreds of exciting little tubes and packets of everything ranging from sanitary towel samples from bodyform, all the way through to Sisley night time elixer's so I thought it was about time they got some use.
This month, I am going to live on samples. Here is my stash.
As you can see, I have at least one or two samples of just about everything I could possibly need over the next month, so before reaching for my usual products, I am going to use up these goodies and you never know, I could end up really falling in love with something I've never tried before. I'm particularly looking forward to the Clinique foundation and the No 7 body polish as well as the Molten Brown Shampoo.

When I run out of a particular product, I will of course be happy to go back to my trusty regular collection, but I think this stash should keep me going for a good few weeks. I will be rating all of these out of ten and will pop up some reviews of my favourites for you as I use them but mainly I'm doing this because I think it will be fun and refreshing.

I thought I'd also let you know that after my mini breakdown yesterday, I have woken up today refreshed and started doing some research into intensive professional make-up courses  over the summer so that I can follow my dream and become a freelance make-up artist so watch this space :)

Annie x


  1. Fantastic idea! I also have a million samples, I'm trying to use up as many as I can, but I keep acquiring more and more!

    1. Its great fun, and its really refreshing to try out lots of new things. I've had one regret though after trying out an Erno Lazlo eye cream which my eyes have reacted to badly so I'm sat here looking all puffy haha xx
