1 May 2012

The Girl Behind the Blog- Clare

As any regular reader of my blog knows, Tuesday is an uber busy one for me so I've decided to pass over to some fellow bloggers on Tuesday evenings because they'll be sure to write a much better post for you than I'll have time to do! If you'd like to guest post for me one week then just pop me an email at threelittlebuhos@hotmail.co.uk and I'll get back to you :)
This week the lovely Clare is filling in for me and letting you know a little about the girl behind the blog. Clare is a new blogger who writes brilliantly so you should be sure to check out her blog :)
Annie x

Hi guys!

I'm Clare and I've very recently started my blog - xunderscoreclaree.
A bit about me first I suppose. I'm 22 years old, live in Glasgow and have a ridiculous amount of things going on right now that I'm not even sure why I thought I could fit in blogging! I work full time in an office, I study Accountancy part time, I'm getting married in 10 weeks (9 weeks and 6 days!) and I have a season ticket for the football. I'm a busy bee!
I find that because of all of the above, I don't really get much time to do fun things or talk to people about stuff that I'm really interested in, so the blog seemed like a really good idea.

Why blog? I started reading blogs on and off since I worked with Karrisx and followed her on twitter. A whole new world was opened to me, I had no idea there was a bbloggers commmunity or youtube community or anything like that - and to be honest, I loved it from day one! I alway had a livejournal/greatestjournal when I was a teenager and I've now found a grown up version of that!

Products, products, products! I have a fairly huge obsession at the moment with my nails. I never used to. One time when I was feeling a bit down I decided to go get my nails done, I'd never had them before and I was just discovering beauty products & services. Unfortunately, I totally ruined it for myself  by going to the best technician in Glasgow (in my opinion, of course). I've been to a few others on short notice now and they've never matched up - so it's either Ania or nothing! I'm not sure why I love my nails - they make it incredibly difficult to type at work and they're not the easiest to maintain but I've always had short fingers, and the nails make me a hell of a lot more confident about my hands - is that weird?!

I absolutely love reading other blogs. I try to watch some youtube videos as well but I don't really have the time. I can read blogs on the bus/on my lunch hour etc but youtube is just slightly more difficult. Some of my favourites, and I'm sure they won't mind me mentioning them, are Three Little Buhos - the confidence and style of this girl is to die for! You all know that of course, if you're reading this, Karrisx (of course), Through Chelsea's Eyes, Ace Stace Beauty, Essiebutton and Lips Like Sugar. I could go on and on, I follow 107 blogs and honestly, I read and enjoy them all. Check them out!

It's difficult to pinpoint what I like about a blog. Nice clean reviews are great, I've read some where I get to the end and I'm still not sure whether they like the product or not. Nail art - I love nail art, I'm so envious. FOTD posts. I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to post a FOTD blog. The number of beauty bloggers on here that are absolutely amazingly beautiful is ridiculous! You're lucky I don't go Samantha Brick on your ass.

There's really only two things I can think of that I dislike about blogging.
1) Word verification. Urgh, please turn it off! It's so difficult when I'm trying to comment from my phone
2) "Follow me and I'll follow you back". I got a comment like this the other day. Now, I checked out the blog anyway and I probably followed but it got my back up slightly that they wanted ME to follow first. If you like my blog, follow. If you don't, then don't. As a new blogger, I love seeing my follow count increase - but not through default!

I started my blog with very low hopes, I thought it'd be somewhere that I could write some stuff but read more of others. I've since found the community to be so amazing I'm hoping it's a kinda mutual thing where people look forward to my blogs as much as I look forward to theirs =]

So that's me, I hope you enjoyed my Girl Behind the Blog and if you want to nip over and see what the girl blogs about, you'll be more than welcome!

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