20 December 2012

£250 Boohoo Voucher Christmas Giveaway!

Sorry to say that I've been rather absent the last few days, there's been an awful lot going on, what with all the festive fun of Christmas.
Butttt, I think I can more than make up for it now.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote this post *here* where I put together an outfit for the Boohoo #partypose blogger competition. Well last night I found out that I was a winner and my prize was £100 for myself to spend on the website and a very generous £250 to give to one of my followers in a giveaway :D Yay much?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The competition is gong to run from now until 1st January so that the lucky winner will be able to treat their self to a whole new wardrobe in the new year.

The giveaway is open to everyone, including international followers, just be aware that postage will cost you a bit more!

Good Luck everyone :) And Happy Christmas!

Annie xx


  1. What a fab giveaway, thanks Annie! And I didn't realise I didn't follow you on twitter already! x

    1. Haha several people have said that about twitter, strange xx

  2. wow Annie what a great prize congrats on your success with your winning outfit hun xx

  3. FAB giveaway! I hope you get some great things with your £100 and I really really really hope I win this! Hugs and love xxx

    1. Omg I will be. Put my order in this morning. Managed to get so many fab things so they're on their way. Good luck lovely xx

  4. Lucky you for winning! and lucky whoever wins too! :)

    1. Thank you :) im jealous of the lucky lady who wins the £250 I managed to get lots with just my £100 xx

  5. What a fabulous giveaway... Good Luck Everyone ('Specially me!!)

  6. whooo entered!! :))

  7. amazing prize. Will you be showing us what you buy with your £100? xx

  8. Congrats on winning your voucher!(hopefully I'll win a voucher too ;) ) Cant wait to see what you buy with your voucher :-) x
