29 March 2013

It's Easter Time

I know I've neglected my blog a little in the last week, I've not meant to but there's been a big shake up in my personal life and I just haven't felt like it but I'm getting there and have some new favourites to show you as well as some FOTD posts and a couple of jewellery and outfit posts too so I'll be back into it soon.

When I saw this Simon's Cat video I had to show you :) It may still be freezing but I'm staying optimistic and saying that spring has sprung and that means playful little squirrels running around and taunting kitties like this little fellow is doing :)
What plans do people have for the Easter weekend? I'm working every day but you know what, that makes me happy because I love my job, and in the last week the people I work with have been so amazing and supportive, and thats meant the world to me. We're a little Lush Bath family.

Annie x

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter hun, im not working, I will be enjoying my time off work xx

